高志忠-副教授 师资介绍

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男,汉族,中共党员,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,威廉希尔足球官网学术带头人,中国动物学会蛛形学专业委员会第九届委员,山西省深度贫困县乡镇科技特派员(2017-2020);Subterranean Biology和《Biodiversity Data Journal》学科编辑;2017年毕业于河北大学,获理学博士学位,同年被引进至威廉希尔足球官网工作。






  1. 山西省高等学校科技创新项目“五台山蜘蛛多样性及分布格局”(No. 2019L08233万元),主持

  2. 山西省应用基础研究计划项目“山西省太行山伪蝎多样性与DNA条形码”(No. 201801D2212833万元),主持

  3. 威廉希尔足球官网科研基金资助项目“五台山伪蝎(蛛形纲:伪蝎目)分子物种鉴定”(No. 2018KY011.5万元)主持

  4. 威廉希尔足球官网2022年度1331工程”五台山文化生态协同创新中心专项课题“五台山及周边地区外来入侵病虫害调查与防控”(2万元),主持

  5. 河北省研究生创新资助项目中国螯伪蝎总科系统发育研究No. S20160022.175万元),主持

  6. 威廉希尔足球官网教改项目“基于SPOC 的动物学混合式教学模式构建与实践——以威廉希尔足球官网为例”,参与

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目中国木伪蝎总科的分类和系统进化研究(蛛形纲:伪蝎目)” (No. 3187219858万元)参与

  8. 科技基础性工作专项重点项目课题中国动物志(蛛形纲,伪蝎目,螯伪蝎总科)No. 2015FY21030030万元),参与

  9. 科技部科技基础性工作专项基于自然保护区的DNA条形码子项目 (No. 2012FY110800218万元),参与

  10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于形态与分子数据的中国伪蝎目(蛛形纲)系统发育研究” (No. 3137215481万元)参与

  11. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目基于生殖器官形态对强肢类盲蛛的分类研究” (No. C2012201022),参与


  1. Zhizhong Gao, Yanmeng Hou & Feng Zhang (2023) Four new species of cave-adapted pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones, Pseudotyrannochthoniidae) from Guizhou, China. ZooKeys 1139: 33–69. (SCI)

  2. Zhizhong Gao, Feng Zhang & Huiming Chen (2020) Two new cave-dwelling species of Tyrannochthonius Chamberlin 1929 (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) from the Guizhou karst, China. Zootaxa 4853 (4): 572–580. (SCI)

  3. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2020) First report the genus Dendrochernes Beier, 1932 (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) from China, with description of a new species. Arthropoda Selecta 29 (2): 229–234. (SCI)

  4. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2019) First record of the genus Orochernes (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) from China, with description of a new species. Zootaxa 4612(1): 126–132. (SCI)

  5. Xing Lida, Ryan C. Mckellar & Gao Zhizhong (2018) Cretaceous Hitchhikers: a Possible Phoretic Association between a Pseudoscorpion and Bird in Burmese Amber. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 92(6): 2434–2435. (SCI)

  6. Zhizhong Gao, J. Judson Wynne & Feng Zhang (2018) Two new species of cave-adapted pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae, Chthoniidae) from Guangxi, China. Journal of Arachnology. 46(2):345–354. (SCI)

  7. Zhizhong Gao, Huiming Chen & Feng Zhang (2017) Description of two new cave-dwelling Bisetocreagris species (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from China. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 41(4): 615–623. (SCI)

  8. Zhizhong Gao, Feng Zhang & Harvey, M.S. (2017) A modified definition of the genus Haplochernes (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae), with a new species from Hainan Island. Journal of Arachnology. 45(1): 112–122. (SCI)

  9. Zhizhong Gao, Yanfen Zhang & Feng Zhang (2016) Two new species of Pseudotyrannochthoniidae, including the first species of Pseudotyrannochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones) from China. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62(2): 117–131. (SCI)

  10. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2013) Description of a new Allochthonius species from China, with a key to the genus (Pseudoscorpiones Pseudotyrannochthoniidae). Entomologica Fennica 23: 107–112. (SCI)

  11. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2013) Pseudoscorpions from Laos with description of a new species and new records (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones), Archives of Biological Science Belgrade, 65(3), 839–850. (SCI)

  12. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2012) A new genus and species of chernetid pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones Chernetidae) from Hainan Island, China. Entomological News. 122(5): 432440.SCI

  13. Yanmeng Hou, Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2022) Diversity of cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions from eastern Yunnan in China, with the description of eleven new species of the genus Lagynochthonius Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae). Zootaxa 5198(1)001065. (SCI)

  14. Hongru Xu, Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2022) Two new species of the pseudoscorpion subfamily Lamprochernetinae Beier, 1932 from Guizhou, China (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae). Zootaxa 5105 (4): 581–592. (SCI)

  15. Yanmeng Hou, Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2022) Two new species of cave-adapted pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 1097: 65–83. (SCI)

  16. Lingchen Zhao, Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2020) Two new Atemnus species (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from Xinjiang, China. Zootaxa 4869 (2): 264–274. (SCI)

  17. Wanqing Zhao, Dajun Liu, Zhizhong Gao, Jia Liu, Wenbo Yi and Hufang Zhang (2019) Complete mitochondrial genome sequence and phylogenetic implications of Chorosoma macilentum (Heteroptera: Rhopalidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 4(2): 38823883. (SCI)

  18. Zhizhong Gao, Feng Zhang & Dawei Huang (2017) The first description of the female external morphology of Bisetocreagris cheni Jia, Zhao & Zhang, 2010 (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from China. Ecologica Montenegrina, 2017(11): 2327

  19. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2016) First report of the genus Cardiolpium (Pseudoscorpiones: Olpiidae) from China, with description of a new species. Ecologica Montenegrina. 2016(7): 298–304.

  20. Zhang Feng, Gao Zhizhong & Chen Huiming (2016) First Description on the female of Megachernes glandulosus Mahnert, 2009 (Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae). Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 35(5): 723–727.

  21. Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang (2016) Description of a new species of the genus Anatemnus Beier, 1932 (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from China. Ecologica Montenegrina. 2016(7): 567–572.

  22. 高志忠,赵婉清,张虎芳,张锋. (2020). 苦伪蝎属1中国新纪录种(伪蝎目,苦伪蝎科). 威廉希尔足球官网学报. 36(5): 39–42.

  23. 高志忠,张锋. (2019). 单伪蝎属1中国新纪录种(伪蝎目,苦伪蝎科). 蛛形学报. 28(2): 83–86.

  24. 赵婉清,张敏,刘佳,高志忠,伊文博,柳大军. (2020). 圆臀大黾蝽线粒体基因组密码子偏好性与COI基因适应性进化研究. 安徽农学通报. 26(08): 10–14.



  1. 高志忠,张锋. 2014. 蛛形纲:伪蝎目. 王义平,童彩亮 主编 《浙江清凉峰昆虫》.北京:中国林业出版社,352–353.

  2. 高志忠,张锋. 2018. 蛛形纲:伪蝎目. 石福明,王建军 主编 历山昆虫与蛛形动物.北京:科学出版社,515–517.

  3. 高志忠. 2020. 蛛形纲:伪蝎目. 王露雨,张志升 主编 《常见蜘蛛野外识别手册 2版》. 重庆:重庆大学出版社,10–11.


高志忠、张鹤. 威廉希尔足球官网. 国家发明专利:一种昆虫习性实验用饲养设备,2023,专利号:ZL202211332407.5

高志忠. 威廉希尔足球官网. 实用新型专利:一种多功能自动吸虫装置,2019,专利号:ZL201920511445.4.


  1. 2023 威廉希尔足球官网“优秀共产党员”

  2. 2021 威廉希尔足球官网“优秀共产党员”

  3. 威廉希尔足球官网2019-2020学年度“优秀辅导员”






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